Back pain is the most famed chronic condition of them all, being the leading cause of disability in America. The back is a remarkable structure bridging the shoulder griddle with the pelvis via the vertebral column- forming the basis of postural alignment. So, you have pain in this area, and where do you begin? Well first we must understand the anatomy of this region so that we may appropriately map out the back.

The back is a layering of different muscle groups and is split into two sections- the midback aka the thoracic section and lower back aka the lumbar section. The mid back is formed by the Thoracic rib cage, spinal cord C7-T10, and a set of shoulder blades also known as the scapula. The lower back is comprised of the spinal column T-11, the whole lumbar vertebral section, and the sacrum sandwich between your two pelvic bones. The back has:
Over 18 muscles
Teres major
Serratus posterior superior
Rhomboids minor
Levator scapula
Rhomboids major
Spinalis capitis
Latissimus dorsi
Erector spinae group ESG
Spinalis cervicis
Quadratus lumborum
Teres minor
Serratus posterior inferior
Affecting 5 different kinds of joints
Vertebral facet joints
Scapular Thoracic joint
Sacroiliac joint
Lumbosacral joint
Costovertebral joints
Producing 8 core actions
Vertebral Extension
Trunk Lateral Flexion
Upper Appendage External Rotation
Scapular Retraction
Upper Appendage
Internal Rotation
Scapular Elevation
Trunk Rotation
Scapular Depression
Utilizing this understanding of the inner workings of our back tissues, our therapists identify the fascial trail, muscle fiber direction, and muscle tone characteristics of each client, providing manual therapy to resolve postural and movement discrepancies while simultaneously reducing pain and facilitating relaxation. With the back being a huge contributor to upright posture- all sitting, standing, walking, and sleeping positions have a direct impact on some portion of the back. This creates multiple opportunities to endure back pain through over exertion and strain. Massage is a key player for maintaining proper muscular tension, as well as voiding trigger points and knots.
We here at Jade Oasis Wellness strive to deliver high quality treatment and customer service to reduce your stress so that you may regain your focus.
Remember- Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional! Call us at 425-679-6198 or book online to make your appointment.
