Accidents can strike at any given moment, especially on the road. An estimated 38,800 people will lose their lives in car crashes and about 4.4 million people are seriously injured enough to require medical attention per year. This number is increased by more people who experience bumper to bumper impacts and opt out of reporting and never seek medical attention. This environment produces the need for manual muscular therapy and all its wonderful modalities to rehabilitate and rebalance the body.
In high impact incidents like a car crash, the force of a collision produces strained tension and stressed contraction as the body attempts to restore equilibrium and stability in a destabilized event. These forces spread throughout the body and potentially cause sprained ligaments, strains, hypertonicity, and muscle spasms. These conditions restrict range of motion, stiffen posture, form knots, and restrict blood/lymph circulation. Over time, more severe muscle imbalances take form causing chronic neck, shoulder, back, thoracic, pelvic, and knee pain.
Massage comes equipped to scan the body by mapping out tension, stress points, and fascial restrictions. Our therapists then match these issues with the appropriate style or tool to rejuvenate, decompress, and restore balance. These processes rid pain, relieve trigger points, reduce adhesions, detox metabolic waste, increase range of motion and circulation thus promoting rehabilitation.
Jade Oasis has the experience, training, and tools to appropriately care for muscular and skeletal auto injuries with the availability to implement a complete treatment plan. No Insurance? Don’t let that stop you, as we have packages and plans that can suit your budget! Allow Jade Oasis Wellness to reduce your stress so that you may regain your focus.
Remember- Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional! Call 425-679-6198 or visit our website for appointment booking. We look forward to seeing you!
